O'Keeffe Antiques Chandeliers star in "By the Sea" movie by Angelina Jolie Pitt
Here is the latest news and press from O'Keeffe Antiques.

We supplied an antique tent and waterfall chandelier and then fabricated another crystal chandelier for the new Pan movie due out in October 2015. It was a very interesting and detailed commission in how we worked with the design team to get them exactly what they wanted and also a lot of fun to do.
6th Oct 2015

O'Keeffe Antiques have just joined Decorative Collective the premium website bringing quality products from vetted dealers to clients
25th Sep 2014

We were asked to collaborate with Rolls Royce for lighting in one of their showrooms and consequently were asked to go into their yearly Rolls Royce magazine.
4th Apr 2013