Hi David,
They've arrived, it's like Christmas, thank you so much I LOVE them!
Really beautiful colours, so gorgeous, so elegant.
Testimonials - January 2012
Here are a few of the things our customers have said about us.
S.Brearley, London
January 2012
Hi David,
Once again thanks for supply of the chandeliers they really do look a treat against the beams and fire place. I am sure my wife will be delighted when she sees them.
Many thanks
M.Noble. Yorkshire
January 2012
Hi David,
Just to let you know that the wall lights have been delivered. They are fabulous and I'm sure my husband will be pleased when he sees them. He checks the web site every day for new items added - so I am sure we will be in touch again at some point in the future!
Many thanks
J.Tutssel. Kent
January 2012
Hi David,
The wall lights look excellent and they also complement the chandelier superbly. If you could keep an eye out for any suitable chandeliers that come in that would be great for the bedrooms.
S.Salam. Hertfordshire
January 2012